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Wossler Group Publications

  1. Beekman M., Allsopp M.H., Wossler T.C., Oldroyd B.P. 2008. Factors affecting the dynamics of the honeybee (Apis mellifera) hybrid zone of South Africa. Heredity 100:13-18.

  2. Beekman, M., Allsopp, M.H., Holmes, M.J., Lim, J., Noach-Pienaar, L-A., Wossler, T.C. and Oldroyd, B.P. 2012. Racial mixing in South African honeybees: the effects of genotype mixing on reproductive traits of workers. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology: DOI 10.1007/s00265-012-1338-z

  3. Beekman, M., Wossler, T.C., Martin, S.J. and Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2002. Parasitic Cape honey bee workers (Apis mellifera capensis) are not given differential treatment by African guards (A. m. scutellata). Insectes Sociaux 49:216-220.

  4. Buczkowski, G, Roper, E, Chin, D, Mothapo, N and Wossler, T. 2014. Hydrogel baits with low-dose thiamethoxam for sustainable Argentine ant management in commercial orchards. Entomologia Experimentalis et applicata 153: 183-190.

  5. Härtel, S., Wossler, T.C., Moltzer, G.J., Crewe, R.M., Moritz, R.F.A. and Neumann, P. 2011. Pheromone mediated reproductive dominance hierarchies among pseudo-clonal honeybee workers (Apis mellifera capensis Esch.). Apidologie, 42: 659-668.

  6. Holmes, M.J., Oldroyd, B.P., Allsopp, M.H., Lim, J., Wossler, T.C. and Beekman, M. 2010. Maternity of  emergency queens in the Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis. Molecular Ecology 19: 2792-2799.

  7. Holmes, M.J.,  Allsopp, M.H., Noach-Pienaar, L.A., Wossler, T.C., Oldroyd, B.P. and Beekman, M. Sperm utilization in South African honeybees (Apis mellifera scutellata and A.m. capensis). Apidologie 42: 23-28.

  8. Hoover, S.E.R., Oldroyd, B.P., Wossler, T.C. and Winston, M.L. 2005. Anarchistic queen honey bees have normal queen mandibular pheromones. Insectes Sociaux 52: 6-10.

  9. Jordan, L.A., Allsopp, M.H., Oldroyd, B.P., Wossler, T.C. and Beekman, M. 2008. Cheating Honeybee workers produce royal offspring. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B 275: 345-351.

  10. Jordan, L.A., Allsopp, M.H., Oldroyd, B.P., Wossler, T.C. and Beekman, M. 2007. A scientific note on the drone flight time of Apis mellifera capensis and A.m. scutellata. Apidologie 38: 436-437.

  11. Jordan, L.A.. Allsopp, M.H., Beekman, M., Wossler, T.C. and Oldroyd, B.P. 2008. Inheritance of traits associated with reproductive potential in Apis mellifera capensis and Apis mellifera scutellata workers. Journal of Heredity 99: 376 – 381.

  12. Kelstrup HC, Hartfelder K and Wossler TC. 2015. Polistes smithii vs. Polistes dominula: the contrasting endocrinology and epicuticular signaling of sympatric paper wasps in the field. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69:2043-2058

  13. Kelstrup, HC, Hartfelder, K, Esterhuizen, N and Wossler, TC. 2017. Juvenile hormone titers, ovarian status and epicuticular hydrocarbons in gynes and workers of the paper wasp Belonogaster longitarsus. Journal of Insect Physiology 98: 83-92.

  14. Kelstrup, HC, Hartfelder, K, Falcón, T and Wossler, TC. The behavior and reproductive physiology of a solitary progressive provisioning vespid wasp: Evidence for a solitary-cycle origin of reproductive castes. American Naturalist. In press.

  15. Martin, S.J., Beekman, M., Wossler, T.C. and Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2002. Parasitic Cape honeybee workers, Apis mellifera capensis, evade policing. Nature 415: 163-165.

  16. Martin, S.J., Wossler, T.C. and Kryger, P.  2002. Usurpation of African Apis mellifera scutellata colonies by parasitic Apis mellifera capensis workers. Apidologie 33: 215-232.

  17. McGeoch, M.A. and Wossler, T.C. 2000. Range expansion and success of the weed biocontrol agent, Richilogaster acaciaelongifoliae (Froggatt) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in South Africa. African Entomology 8:273-280.

  18. McLeish MJ, Beukman G, van Noort S, Wossler TC. 2012. Host-Plant Species Conservatism and Ecology of a parasitoid fig wasp genus (Chalcidoidea;Sycoryctinae;Arachonia). PLos ONE 7(9): e44804. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044804

  19. Mothapo, N.P. and Wossler, T.C. 2011. Behavioural and chemical evidence for multiple colonisation of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, in the Western Cape, South Africa BMC Ecology 2011, 11:6 doi:10.1186/1472-6785-11-6

  20. Mothapo, NP & Wossler, T.C. 2014. Resource competition assays between the African big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala and the invasive Argentine ant, Linepthima humile: mechanisms of inter-specific displacement. Ecological Entomology 39: 501-510

  21. Mothapo, NP and Wossler, TC. 2016. The attractiveness of toxic bait is not always accompanied by increased mortality in laboratory colonies of Argentine ants, Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). African Entomology 24: 352-364.

  22. Mothapo, NP and Wossler, TC. 2016. You are not always what you eat”: diet did not override intrinsic nestmate recognition cues in Argentine ants from two supercolonies in South Africa. African Zoology 51: 161-171.

  23. Mothapo, NP and Wossler, TC. 2017. Patterns of floral resource use by two dominant ant species in a biodiversity hotspot. Biological Invasions 19: 955-969.

  24. Oldroyd, B.P., Ratnieks, F.L.W. and Wossler, T.C. 2002. Egg marking pheromones in honey-bees Apis mellifera. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 51: 590-591.

  25. Oldroyd, B.P., Wossler, T.C. and Ratnieks, F.L.W. 2001. Regulation of ovary activation in worker honey-bees (Apis mellifera): larval signal production and adult response thresholds differ between anarchistic and wild-type bees. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 50:366-370.

  26. Roth, KM, Beekman, M, Allsopp, MH, Goudie, F, Wossler, TC & Oldroyd, B.P. 2014. Cheating workers with large activated ovaries avoid risky foraging. Behavioral Ecology 25:668-574

  27. Wossler, T.C. & Crewe, R.M. 1999. Honeybee queen tergal gland secretion affects ovarian development in   caged workers. Apidologie 30:1-10.

  28. Wossler, T.C. & Crewe, R.M. 1999. Mass spectral identification of the tergal gland secretions of female castes of two African honeybee races (Apis mellifera). Journal of Apicultural Research 38:137-148.

  29. Wossler, T.C. & Crewe, R.M. 1999. The releaser effects of the tergal gland secretion of queen honeybees (Apis mellifera). Journal of Insect Behaviour 12:343-351.

  30. Wossler, T.C. 2002. Pheromone mimicry by Apis mellifera capensis social parasites leads to reproductive anarchy in host A.m. scutellata colonies. A review article, Apidologie 33: 139-163.

  31. Wossler, T.C. 2004. Pheromones and Animal Behaviour: Communication by Smell and Taste by T.D. Wyatt. African Zoology 39: 159-161. Book Review.

  32. Wossler, T.C. Breaking tradition with scientific learning. 2010. Pathways to scientific teaching. Edited by Diane Ebert-May and Janet Hodder. Sinauer Associates, Massachusetts. South African Journal of Science: Book review

  33. Wossler, T.C., Jones, G.E.,  Allsopp, M.H and Hepburn, H.R. 2006. Virgin queen mandibular gland signals of Apis mellifera capensis change with age and affect honeybee worker responses. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 1043-1056.

  34. Wossler, T.C., Veale, R.B. & Crewe, R.M. 2000. How queen-like are the tergal glands in workers of Apis mellifera capensis and A.m. scutellata? Apidologie 31:1-12

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